Getting Personal, Virtually.

The site I’m analyzing belongs to Alyssa Noel, a woman who assists small businesses virtually.  Her audience consists of any small business seeking quick and effective assistance with running their company.  The site is extremely easy to use and has great visuals and icons that seem to all be created on Photoshop or InDesign because they each have the same visual undertone and theme.  There are only a few different colors used on the site that work very well together and give an upbeat and cozy feel; these colors include: shades of blues, apricots, greys, and white.  The homepage of the site show the visitor that Alyssa works from an at home office and, literally, the page sets the scene of her work environment (a steamy cup of tea next to a geared up lap top and a single rose in a modest vase)—it really shows the personal style of Alyssa and the quality of work she believes in.  Alyssa’s site is uber user-friendly with a simplistic layout having just the right amount of white space and text that compliments the easy to follow theme of the overall site.  Something I thought of before looing at different sites was including my signature on the page to give off a personal feel—I think it compliments a personal site very well.  By looking at the first screenshot you can see the various links Alyssa provides for the visitor.  She provides the links that stay the same at the top of the page, but as you move from one page to the next you might find that the link buttons are repeated at the bottom of the page in order to help with the “next step” of the process, whether it’s to learn more or to actually start using Alyssa’s VA services.


Another feature that stuck out to me on Alyssa’s site was her blog reel.  I think this personalized touch is critical for the line of business Alyssa is in.  She is working with clients from all around the world without ever getting the chance to meet them.  This blog reel gives the client a chance to learn about Alyssa as a person instead of just some correspondent on the Internet.  This helps the visitor or client’s trust to grow for Alyssa and also helps her seem more likeable.  This feature also gives visitors or clients the chance to interact with Alyssa on other topics.


When does creating a site that speaks to the personality of the site-owner cross the line of being too unprofessional?